About Me

😤😤😤😤I AM DOM😤😤😤😤I'm a Psychology student at Stony Brook University.I am involved in too many projects (shown above). This constitutes most of my free time. As far as hobbies go otherwise, I have encyclopedic knowledge about D&D 5e and play videogames sometimes. I'm into anime and VTubers but I rarely consume much actual content. I am quite enthusiastic about VR and it's my target platform for everything and anything.I also play the drums and bass, I'm an Obsidian enjoyer, and I'm currently learning guitar and Japanese.

Where To Find Me

I am open to respond to messages at any time. Feel free to contact me!I don't however, have the temporal flexibility to socialize at any hour, so don't always expect a conversation. I generally try to be awake at regular EST hours, but often fail.You can find me in the following places:

  • On Discord @Xarlasar#9999

  • On VRChat (sometimes)

  • For business inquiries (???): [email protected]

  • In your walls (double check)

Actual Academic Thing

I'm looking to do a formal study very soon on VRChat. I have a lot of questions I'm looking to answer, primarily with regards to mirror use. There is a good chance you won't see any surveys going out until many months from now, because it takes a long time to approve these types of things apparently, so perhaps my first study will be a literature review.If I do my thing right, this section will expand gradually over time until it becomes large enough to be its own entity.Update 12/29/22:I did actually complete this piece of research, gave the presentation and everything, but have yet to get around to actually finishing the paper. At some point, I'll either do that, or basically just drop my notes so someone more qualified than myself can publish something usable by other scholars (to my knowledge, I can't do that without a PhD, but DM me if I'm totally wrong about that).The (very lazy) TL;DR of my literature review was essentially that mirror use has no inherently maladaptive properties, but depending on the motive for mirror use/dwelling, (habituation, escapism), it can become maladaptive is correlated with issues in body image and identity confusion. I could not find any conclusive evidence as to whether or not this was a simple correlation or if mirror dwelling caused these issues.

Manga / Light Novel Coloring

I color Light Novel and Manga illustrations! None of the lineart in the above images are mine; they are all official illustrations from their respective series (Konosuba, Re:Zero, The Rising of the Shield Hero)I have colored for other series as well (see below) but I don't want to post anything spoiler-heavy here.Feel free to use my artwork anywhere, but please credit me!

Commissions Open!

I take commissions for this! If you want something colored, DM me on any platform and I'll get you a quote.Due to reasons legal and moral, if you want to commission me to color something drawn by someone else, I won't do it without written permission that I'm able to use the work. Fair use is a pretty gray area, and frankly, I don't know if what I do here counts.

Coloring Projects

Below are some groups I've worked with to color various series. Check them out!

Who The Hell Is Joe?

Behold.Meet Joe. Joe is my other braincell. Joe is both happy to be a pyramid, and happy because he is a pyramid. Don't let him tell you otherwise.JaDS (Joe and Dom Speak) Podcast is available on YouTube and there is one episode on Spotify. We also have a Discord Server which you should absolutely join.For the time being, JaDS is on hiatus and Joe and I are both focusing on developing our own content with some collabs in-between. Check out Joe's YT here!

joe pyramid

What is This?

Cloning in progress...Check out our website in the meantime!Devlogs soon. Maybe.

I do a little pixelart

I Do Enjoy the PixelartThis was the first skill that I picked up in my game dev journey. My big inspirations as a pixel artist come from the Calamity mod's artstyle for Terraria, and Wizard of Legend.Although much of my focus within the last few years has been in 3D art and VR, pixel art is where my roots are, and I still love doing it.

Oh yeah, and I also made this one game for Ludum Dare 46 which you're welcome to check out. I made it in Gamemaker Studio 2, but since around that time I've switched to Unity as my engine of choice.
Not my greatest game, but it serves as a good example of what I can do as far as pixelart is concerned (it's also the only game I've published lmao)